Crazy Hangover 2: The Game

I recently spent less than an hour playing Crazy Hangover 2. I was originally hunting for point and click adventure games when this came up, and I must say I wasn’t disappointed at all.

If you’re looking for an odd, adult comedy, simple type of game, this is it. Its not difficult to play and almost anyone with a brain can beat it.  I personally loved the whole thing, from the snobby hipster drinking piss to…this lady, whoever she is.



You’re basically playing as a guy who apparently had a wild night and now has to find his hilarious bunny costume (work uniform) so that he can get to his job. This game puts me in the mind of Hector: Badge of Carnage. Its free and is played on a browser, I will post the link below if you want to check it out.

It also has 2 special guests we all love!


That’s right, Chuck Norris And Nyan Cat…well the doped knockoff version of Nyan Cat, (good enough for me!)



Hint: Press the Space bar to open up your inventory. (along with extras, achievements, etc)

This should come up, really simple right?

Click here to check it out—>

If you do give this game a go, why not sign up for there you’ll be able to play other games and the other Crazy Hangovers (there are at least 3) I signed up because I will be visiting again to play the other sequels to this weird game.

nyannyannyannyan *cough cough* nyannyannyan